“With her extensive experience in various executive and consulting roles, her enthusiasm for using the power of marketing for the benefit of a company or client, and her talent for creative and strategic thinking, Stacey can become one of any organization’s most valuable assets.”
Judy Twitchell, former Public Relations Manager, El Camino Hospital

Stacey specializes in strategic planning across the decision-making continuum. She factors in all touchpoints of influence, from a customer’s initial brand experience to the building of loyal relationships with those who will impact your business most. Stacey’s insight has helped clients earn greater customer loyalty, increase brand preference, and enhance competitive differentiation. Functioning more like a marketing partner than a consultant, Stacey has the agility, financial savvy and creative resources to help you with everything from a brand audit to a multi-year marketing program. Stacey loves a challenge, and she likes to get things done quickly and well, without overstaying her welcome. The problems she is most often asked to solve include:
- Resolving stagnant growth
- Identifying causes of a drop in sales
- Revitalizing a tired brand
- Dealing with increased competition
- Assisting with a lack of a formal marketing program and/or team
- Updating a marketing program